China Expansion

Over the past few months at the Ctomi HQ, we have been busy working with Chinese authorities to have some of our skincare products registered for "general trade". Ticking all the boxes that the regulatory authorities in China require has been no easy task, however we are pleased to announce that our Lanolin Skin Cream and Mend Manuka Honey Skin Repair Cream are now fully registered in China. 

One of our post-pandemic goals has been to gain a foothold into the traditional Chinese retail market, particularly with our skincare products which are manufactured in-house. Hot off the heals of registration, we have signed a deal with a local distributor in the province of Zhejiang (which includes the city of Hangzhou- one of the larger cities in China) for the distribution of both products into 45 premium supermarkets across the region. General Manager Josh Adams is happy with the speed in which an agreement was reached. "We've known for quite some time that Chinese consumers love both of these skincare products, however getting the registration needed for traditional market entry into China has taken longer than expected. we were on the phone to contacts minutes after the certificates arrived and we are excited to have our first partner on board. The next few months will prove crucial as we seek to grow our presence from 45 to 300 stores within the region. If we can do this, other regional agreements will follow and we'll be off and running in China". 

Our team have an additional 4 skincare products (all of which are new) in with the CFDA for registration, with signoff expected within the next 2 months. With everything going to plan, we expect revenue from traditional Chinese retail to outstrip our Chinese cross-border e-commerce revenue, which comes from major shopping sites, and more. 

Both products are available via. for purchase in New Zealand. 

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