Introducing Our New Supplement Labels!

For those of you who have been keeping an eye on our website, you may have noticed that we have recently added 4 new products that have a completely re-designed supplement label. We're proud to say that these labels have been six months in the making and represent our commitment to continual progression, with clinical design aesthetics mirroring our focus on high quality, world-class supplements. 

Key features of our new product labels include: 

• New Ctomi block logo in forest green represents the lush pastures of New Zealand. "New Zealand" directly under our logo reinforces our culture and heritage

• Each label contains a badge on the front panel highlighting the most important measurement of each clinical ingredient

• There is a colored, call to action at the bottom of the front panel explaining exactly what the supplement is for

• Our skincare stencil now appears along the bottom edge of the label, giving it a touch of character 

Almost everything about the new labels is improved and we'll continue rolling out new labels throughout 2019. We're also pleased to announce that our new labels coincide with stronger supplement formulations designed to further enhance your legacy. 

Questions about the new labels? Feel free to contact us at any time ( and we'll be back to you within 24 hours. 

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