Celebrating export success

AUCKLAND – May 31st, 2017 – Ctom Ltd was tonight lauded for their excellence in e-commerce trade at the biannual HSBC NZCTA Business Awards held at the Viaduct Events Centre in Auckland. The event- the most prestigious of the year for New Zealand businesses operating in China, celebrated excellence in cross-border trade and was attended by over 600 guests, including Chief Executives from many of New Zealand’s top companies, Chinese Ambassador to New Zealand Wang Lutong and former New Zealand Prime Minister Sir John Key.

A finalist in NZCTAs new e-commerce trade category, Ctom Ltd’s core values of integrity, transparency and excellence were celebrated, while their impressive growth, particularly over the past 18 months was recognised. “We’re proud of who we are and are so thrilled to be recognised by the NZCTA tonight” said Louie Li, CEO of Ctom ltd. “Our goal when starting Ctom Ltd was to showcase our country in a unique light; to share our slice of New Zealand life with people across the world. We pride ourselves on the quality of our products and our excellence in customer service; these values have been key in our tremendous growth over the past year.

James Collie, Ctom Ltd company director, was equally pleased with tonight’s recognition. “Both our New Zealand and China based teams have worked so hard over the past year; to be recognized as one of New Zealand’s leading e-commerce companies in China is incredibly special. We have fantastic ties with China, whose consumers appreciate the integrity and purity of our products. We’re so proud to call New Zealand home, and to manufacture world-class products from our own resources for global export is an absolute privilege”.

This year’s event was proudly sponsored by HSBC, Cathay Pacific, Bentley, Alibaba Group, New Zealand China Council and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. Ctom Ltd would like to extend warm congratulations to all of this year’s finalists for trade excellence in their individual fields. Ctom Ltd’s new Tmall flagship store is now live with their full range of healthcare supplements available. For more information, contact

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