
Natures Superfood.

Over the past 10 years, the popularity of spirulina has exploded into the mainstream with spirulina seemingly included in every smoothie and energy bar on the market. But what makes spirulina so special? A green algae found in clean oceans, spirulina lays claim to being the most nutrient-dense superfood on the planet.

Spirulina has more protein than beef and chicken, 8 essential amino acids as well as concentrated levels of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), beta-carotene, iron, calcium and more. Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on earth which makes it somewhat ironic that humans have only recently caught onto its benefits!

Spirulina is effective in supporting normal blood pressure levels. This is because spirulina is rich in a pigment called phycocyanin, which reverses endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome (effectively lowering blood pressure). Spirulina benefits also help to reduce cholesterol by preventing atherosclerosis. With high blood pressure and cholesterol two of the main causes of preventable disease across the world, this is encouraging news.

Because spirulina is high in iron, it’s an excellent food to take for those who are looking to boost their energy levels. The intake of iron leads to increased production of hemoglobin, which binds to red blood cells and fosters the circulation of oxygen. Healthy levels of hemoglobin means the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood around the body- increasing the amount of energy you have. Spirulina also contains high levels of chlorophyll, which helps to eliminate toxins from the blood, boosting the immune system.

As the most nutritious superfood on earth, we highly recommend taking a pure source of spirulina daily. This can be taken in powder form, however, our spirulina tablets (available here) are the easiest way to get your daily fix. Spirulina’s wide ranging nutrients benefit adults of all ages- try some today and start your journey towards better health!

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